Manufacturing in space poses considerable challenges, despite many of the techniques resembling those utilized on Earth. Methods such as riveting, bolting, and welding are...
On my workbench sits a Mitutoyo vernier caliper, an entry-level model showcasing a classic vernier scale, built with exceptional care. It’s gratifying to observe...
Almost a decade has elapsed since Amazon initiated its delivery drone program, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience through rapid item transport. Recently,...
When a prominent company like Apple decides to enter a market to avoid exploitation, it highlights significant problems within that market. The recent FDA...
When a 1TB drive fails, many people believe that data recovery requires a high-tech lab with serious-looking technicians and engineers. However, John Graham-Cumming, a...
Over the years, governments and politicians have attempted to implement internet censorship or surveillance measures in the name of protecting children. However, a proposed...
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have recently released a pre-print paper showcasing their latest system, MT-ACT: Multi-Task Action Chunking Transformer. The main purpose of...
Guitarists often seek the perfect sound for their setup and are willing to introduce intentional distortion into the signal to achieve it. While this...
Dmitry Grinberg, a seasoned tinkerer, wanted to increase the limited RAM capacity of his Raspberry Pi 2040 (RP2040). The board originally came with only...
While older gaming hardware may not be as advanced as modern technology, it has its unique advantages. Retro gaming systems, like the Nintendo Entertainment...