Manufacturing in space poses considerable challenges, despite many of the techniques resembling those utilized on Earth. Methods such as riveting, bolting, and welding are...
On my workbench sits a Mitutoyo vernier caliper, an entry-level model showcasing a classic vernier scale, built with exceptional care. It’s gratifying to observe...
Almost a decade has elapsed since Amazon initiated its delivery drone program, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience through rapid item transport. Recently,...
When a prominent company like Apple decides to enter a market to avoid exploitation, it highlights significant problems within that market. The recent FDA...
It often happens that just when human society appears to exhibit increasing levels of triviality, selfishness, violence, and self-absorption, Mother Nature steps in to...
Recently, there have been security concerns raised in Grand Theft Auto V that have captured the attention of the online community. One particular issue...
During the festive season, creating generative snowflakes with laser or vinyl cutting can be a fun activity. [Bleeptrack] has designed a web tool that...
Computers are embedded in almost everything today, from thermostats to refrigerators and even window blinds, all connected to the internet, making them vulnerable to...
Flexures are small mechanisms commonly found in various consumer devices, offering controlled movements with limited displacements and tension. Designing them can be challenging. A...
Dealing with the repair of electronic gadgets can be a breeze or a challenge, heavily influenced by the support from the original manufacturer. Some...
While most RC cars are modeled after real race cars or rugged off-road vehicles for outdoor use, [diorama111] specializes in creating small models perfect...