Manufacturing in space poses considerable challenges, despite many of the techniques resembling those utilized on Earth. Methods such as riveting, bolting, and welding are...
On my workbench sits a Mitutoyo vernier caliper, an entry-level model showcasing a classic vernier scale, built with exceptional care. It’s gratifying to observe...
Almost a decade has elapsed since Amazon initiated its delivery drone program, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience through rapid item transport. Recently,...
When a prominent company like Apple decides to enter a market to avoid exploitation, it highlights significant problems within that market. The recent FDA...
The Google Nest Mini is a popular smart speaker, but it’s largely dependent on cloud-based solutions from major tech companies. For those interested in...
The author, Dan Maloney, encountered some challenges while trying to use ChatGPT to generate code for a 3D printing project in OpenSCAD. Despite running...
In an age before digital photography, Polaroid cameras made a significant impact by providing immediate photo development. A modification by [Max] now brings back...
[Tom Stanton] has been experimenting with compressed air motors on model aircraft for several years. However, keeping them airborne for longer than a few...
Collecting energy from various small mechanical processes has always been something that’s been technically possible, but never done on a large scale due to...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States is proposing new rules for amateur radio. These rules aim to remove restrictions on baud...