Manufacturing in space poses considerable challenges, despite many of the techniques resembling those utilized on Earth. Methods such as riveting, bolting, and welding are...
On my workbench sits a Mitutoyo vernier caliper, an entry-level model showcasing a classic vernier scale, built with exceptional care. It’s gratifying to observe...
Almost a decade has elapsed since Amazon initiated its delivery drone program, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience through rapid item transport. Recently,...
When a prominent company like Apple decides to enter a market to avoid exploitation, it highlights significant problems within that market. The recent FDA...
[Scott M. Baker] wants a paper tape punch for his retrocomputer collection. That’s fine with us, we don’t judge. In fact, these electromechanical peripherals...
When Iran recently announced a quantum processing algorithm (Google translation) that would help its military to detect water surface disturbances, the instant response from...
Do you find Morse code communication options limited? Check out [marsPRE]’s WristMorse communicator, an open-source device that connects via WiFi, can function as a...
Looking for a change from the trend of AI technology dominating conversations these days? Check out this entertaining and interactive creation by [CrazyScience]. The...
Building your own robot can be a rewarding experience, but sometimes opting for an existing robot can be more convenient, especially for research or...
YouTuber and fact-checker Thunderf00t has been exploring the idea of using sodium as a solution to combat global warming. The concept revolves around using...
The development of electric vehicles has become increasingly popular, but the challenges posed by battery technology limitations still hinder their everyday usability. Batteries are...