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What VR Headsets Need To Overcome Before Release


Virtual reality headsets are becoming quite a popular topic. Five years ago, they seemed science fiction. Now, it is become a reality (a virtual reality if you pardon the pun)! Oculus Rift have been leading the way with Sony, Microsoft, LG and Samsung not far behind. However, how good are VR headsets? Are they worth the hype? For those that have used them, the answer is a big fat yes. However, I feel VR headsets need to overcome a few obstacles first before they are sold to the public. Here are the main things VR headsets need to overcome before being released.



#1 Weight

The main concern for people is that wearing a device on your face for so long might make it quite a strain. Yes, people have tested out VR headsets but, crucially, only for 5-10 minutes. Considering people can sometimes play video consoles for hours on end, it will be interesting to see if the weight will cause the VR headsets to be used towards a natural limit.

I remember when I went to Florida once and had a go on a VR headset in Downtown Disney – I could not even look up because the headset was so heavy that it hurt my forehead if I tried to move my head up! So let’s hope the VR headsets will not make your muscles ache from using them for long durations of time.



#2 Resolution Quality

The main specification that most VR headsets have not told us is the resolution of the screen inside them. The only one that is clear is the Samsung VR headsets, which use Samsung smartphones that we all know have extremely high resolution screens.

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Not only is the resolution important to making the experience as immersive as possible, the sound is important too. For this reason, are we expected to use standard headphones or are VR headsets going to come with special head/earphones to make the sound as 360 degree surround sound and high quality sound as possible?



#3 Price

What I am most worried about is the price of VR headsets: not the additional VR headsets like with Samsung smartphones. I mean the standalone headsets designed for the gamers. I know new technology will always come at a premium price which is why I can see VR headsets from the likes of Oculus starting at well over $500. If that is the case, we may have to wait a few more years before release for them to become affordable.



It is an exciting technology, I admit. However, there are still problems with them. For example, there is also the problem of getting headaches from looking at a screen that is so close to you, like the Nintendo 3DS experienced. If VR headset manufacturers get rid of the above problems, then VR headsets are something to really look forward to that can change the whole gaming and cinema experience.

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