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3 Ways To Improve A Website

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It is naive to think at any point that a website is as good as it can be. The truth of the matter is that thereImage result for 3 Ways To Improve A Website is always space to improve a website – it is just most people cannot see where they can improve their own website to increase traffic, revenue from adverts, engagement with visitors and so on. For this reason, here are three ways any website can improve in an easy-to-implement fashion.



#1 Use Sticky Widgets

The term ‘sticky’ widgets refer to widgets in the sidebar that, upon scrolling, stick to the same location on screen in the sidebar so that as the web user scrolls down the page reading the article, the widget stays in the same location at all times.

This has the main benefit of more exposure to the widget. The problem with putting things in the sidebar is that once the web user has scrolling past that widget, that is it – the widget becomes useless because it is not on the web user’s screen anymore. For the majority of websites, this will happen a lot leaving the an empty space where the sidebar was as the web user reads through the article. Using a sticky widget prevents this from happening utilising unused space further down into the article from the web user scrolling.



#2 Place an Advert Inside the Content

The location of adverts for programs such as PPC and BuySellAds have certain areas where they are known to perform well. Above the content, below the content and by the header are just some of the known places. However, a great place that works extremely well for adverts is inside the content itself.

Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading.

Therefore, if you are not making as much as you hoped for from advertising on your website, try and stick one of the low performing adverts in the content, such as after the first or second paragraph. You will be surprised how successful this area is because the web user will naturally read the advert after reading the content above it.



#3 Make Sure Your Website is Responsive

We are currently living in a time where more and more people every single year are resorting to browsing the internet with devices other than laptops and desktop PCs. Mobile devices are becoming, by far, the most popular option and this will seemingly only increase. A recent study by Merkle for Q3 stated that while organic searches for tablets and laptops decreased, the number of searches for mobiles actually increased by 9% year on year.

For this reason, it is vital that your website changes its design to respond to the device that is viewing it. Not only will this give your website a positive boost in terms of SEO, it will make the whole experience the web user has with your website better.

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