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Worm.win32.netsky Removal Instructions

Worm.win32Netsky is one of the most common viruses that I would run into back when I was primarily on-site for my customers. Sasser was a close second.

Name: Karthik


My computer is infected with worm.win32.netsky spyware..!!

Advise me on its removal!!


Well, I suppose that your request is straightforward enough. Worm.win32Netsky is one of the most common viruses that I would run into back when I was primarily on-site for my customers. Sasser was a close second.

Anyway, first off, if you have not updated your virus scanner recently then I would suggest that you do so. Virus scanners are pretty much useless unless they are updated regularly; they need the signatures to function properly. Now, many VXes nowadays will disable or at least cripple antivirus packages, so if your update fails (or you need to renew your subscription) then you can use McAfee’s SuperDAT to scan your system.

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The SuperDAT  is a command line scanner, but don’t let that scare you. I’ve written up an entire article on how to use it.

Once your system is clean, then you will definitely want to either update your current virus scanner, or get a new one. I like McAfee and Trend Micro. Norton sucks in my opinion. Their virus detection is good, but their software is so bloated that I can’t stand how it makes my system run.

Windows Defender is also a solid program to have in your arsenal. Microsoft has done a pretty good job with it.

Also, be sure to run Windows Update when your machine is clean. Having the latest security fixes for Internet Explorer, etc will help out with preventing future infections too.

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