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Slow loading applications!

Most of my computer runs pretty quick, but there are a few applications that just seem to start up slowly. If my computer is running OK what would cause this?

Name: Andre

I have some programs that just seem to load slowly. Most of my computer runs pretty quick, but there are a few applications that just seem to start up really really slowly. If my computer is running OK otherwise what would cause this?

Thank you so much


This could really be any number of things. If you are loading larger programs that are processor intensive, then that is the cause alone, and nothing to worry about. F.E.A.R. loads WAY more slowly for me than notepad does. 🙂

If what you are trying to run doesn’t warrant such slow processing times then it may be a printer driver issue. Some programs that have print functionality like to look at the printers that are available when the first start to see what kind of formatting options are available. If some of your printers listed are network printers that are no longer available then this may be where it hangs. The app starts, goes looking for the printer that’s non-existant, and waits until it times out before continuing to load.

So, perhaps try cleaning out your printers section (if it warrants it) and see what happens.

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