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Replace Broken Key

Is it possible to replace a broken key (the period key top has broken off?

Name: dave bucheit
 Is it possible to replace a broken key (the period key top has broken off?

You can replace the key assuming the way that the key mounts is not broken. However, I wouldn’t reccomend doing it because keyboards are incredibly cheap. You can pick one up from almost anywhere (Walmart even) for around $10.00.

If it’s a laptop that has the broken key, then it’s a bit trickier. Every portable computer has a different layout and the keys are almost always different sizes and use different mounting techniques from model to model. You’d have to get a key from the manufacturer in that case, and I don’t think they’d mail just a key out. Likely you’d have to replace the laptops entire keyboard and the manu. will want you to send it in to get that done, or I imagine it’d void the warranty.

So, in short, just get a new KB. (Unless a friend has the exact same model and you can steal the period key from him 🙂 )

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