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There are many many factors which will determine how successful a website is. On the whole, the amount of traffic you gain is a prime element...

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There are several well-known ways to generate revenue from a website that generates traffic consistently. However, determining what type of revenue channel to go...


Over the years, I have made just about every mistake that is possible to make when it comes to blogging. When I come to...

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For the vast majority, every task relating to blogging and the online world is usually done on some sort of laptop or desktop PC....


The human race can be seen to be at a point in time where technology (and everything else, for that matter) is exponentially getting...

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Internet Marketing

As an internet marketer, hearing the news that Google are abolishing the right hand side adverts to favor four adverts above organic search results...

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I would not by any means call myself an expert in blogging. I do not live off of the earnings I make from selling,...

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Already I have listed the main pros and cons to using Google’s Blogger platform. For those that chose to use Blogger over WordPress, you...

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A website design and theme can only get a website so far. The majority of the success of websites is down to the content...

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Internet Marketing

It is the million dollar question – how to get traffic to a website. It is what has made some people millions on the...

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