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MSASN1.DLL Error code 0x00000485

And people wonder why I hate MSN… If you’re getting the error message: We were unable to load a required library msnmetal.dll. Error code: 0x00000485 while attempting to access your MSN internet provider then follow these steps:

If you’re receiving an error about MSASN1.DLL as well, then go through the steps in this article first, and try to run MSN again. I’ve had an issue with MSASN1.DLL be the cause of the problems with msnmetal.dll a couple of times.

If the article above doesn’t help out, then the first step would be to copy the msnmetal.dll file from your MSN CD to the Windows directory. Then you’ll want to click Start->Run and type regsvr32 msnmetal.dll. Following this, you should be able to load MSN. If not, and it gives 0x00000485 errors with more .dll’s then you’ll have to find the rest that are missing and use the same steps for them.

You may also try reinstalling MSN, but that doesn’t always work. Good luck.

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