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Computer Tutorials

Manually Repair Windows DNS lookup properties

Manually Repair Windows DNS lookup properties with Windows XP and 2000 is a little harder, due to the fact that TCP/IP cannot be removed

Manually Repair Windows DNS lookup properties with Windows XP and 2000 is a little harder, due to the fact that TCP/IP cannot be removed, and if you delete the keys from the registry they will automatically be recreated, but empty.

First, you need to reset the TCP stack using Netsh. Click Start->Run and type in “netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt”

The default values for the reg keys are the same on all machines, so you can transplant them from a known good machine.


You’ll now want to clear out your hosts file. The path to it is: Windowssystem32driversetcHosts. Simply open it in notepad and delete any entries you find in it. Save it, and you’re done. It may be a good idea to save a backup of it beforehand, but I can’t imagine you needing it.

Once that is done, reboot.

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