For those of you, like me, that format often, this information should come in quite handy. Integrating service packs into a Windows CD is one of the easiest and best time saving things you can do. Now you no longer have to install the OS, and then wait while the service pack is applied, it’s already there and you can get on with the other updates.
The latest service pack for Windows XP is Service Pack 2 (SP2). It’s got several nice security features, including a beefed up firewall and many fixes for Internet Explorer vulnerabilities.
To begin, you’ll want to create a couple of directories. Make:
Set Windows Explorer to view hidden files, as well as system files. Then select everything on the CD and copy it to TempXPCD. Download XP SP2 into the Temp directory. Save the file as SP2.exe, because the default file name is ridiculously long. After the file is downloaded click Start->Run and type C:TempSP2.exe -x
Click OK and wait until all of the files extract. After it’s complete, once again clickStart->Run and type�C:TempSP2i386updateupdate.exe -s:c:tempxpcd
In a bit, the integration will be complete. You’ve now got Service Pack 2 integrated into your Windows CD. All you’ve got to do now, is extract the bootimage and then burn the new CD.
To extract the bootimage you’ll need ISOBuster. With your XP CD still in the drive, start ISOBuster. Within ISOBuster, after it scans the disc, click ‘Bootable CD’ in the left pane. Right click on ‘Microsoft Corporation.img in the right pane, and click extract. Save the file into Temp.
You can now burn your CD. Exactly what you need to do will differ depending on what CD burning program you use. I’ll outline the basic steps.
You’ll need to create a new bootable CD, selecting TempMicrosoft Corporation.img as the boot image.
No emulation
Load Segmentof Sectors should be 07C0. (0x7c0 for Roxio)
Number or loading sectors needs to be put as 4. Doing otherwise will cause the CD not to boot. (I know this, because I’ve forgotten this step a couple of times. It’s an easy one to miss.
Make your ISO settings look like this:
Then, set the Volume Label field to whatever your Windows XP version happens to be.
Windows XP Professional: WXPCCP_EN
Windows XP Professional OEM: WXPOEM_EN
Windows XP Home: WXHCCP_EN
Windows XP Home OEM: WXHOEM_EN
Make sure your burning software is set to finalize the CD and then go ahead and click New. Drag the contents of the TempXPCD folder to the CD and burn away.
Slap the CD in a machine you can test with (anything that will boot from CD) and give it a whirl. Should work splendidly.
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