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How to Maximise Your Adsense Revenue

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Google Adsense is one of, if not the, most popular way for website owners to profit from the traffic they Image result for adsensegenerate to their websites. By allowing advertisers to bid for exposure on a website and only pay once their advert has clicked, PPC is efficient for both advertisers and publishers of the program alike. However, as a publisher, making sure you are making as much as possible from Adsense is sometimes quite a challenge – one change to your Adsense account may improve things but another change may destroy it. For this reason, here are a few ways you can help to maximise the amount of revenue you produce from Google Adsense.



#1 Use Responsive Adverts

Two or three years ago, I would have said to use the most popular ad sizes for your ad units such as 336×280, 728×90 and so on. However, the problem with these ad sizes is that they cannot adapt to the screen size and resolution that the web user’s device has. With this, it is vital to improve the performance of adverts to use responsive adverts.

Responsive adverts, in a nut shell, analyse the width and height of the space the ad unit can fit in on the website – this changes based on the screen size of the device that is viewing the website. Based on this information, Google will automatically place an advert that will fit best to these dimensions and display adverts for this dimension advert. If you want to know how it works, use one of my websites,, as a tester to prove the theory. If you view the website on a laptop full screen, it should display one 728×90 advert on the homepage. However, if you change the width of the internet browser (to less than 728 pixels) and refresh the page, you will see the ad size of the advert changes to accommodate the new width they can be viewed from.



#2 Don’t Block Any Ad Categories

Again two or three years ago, I would have said to block the ad categories that are not producing any revenue for you in the last 30 days. However, from doing this you will be reducing the competition for your ad space on your website, reducing the CPC of the adverts on your ad units hence reducing your overall revenue. The point is that although some ad categories do not make you any money, they still play a vital role in pushing up the CPC of adverts in your ad units through creating a PPC bidding war.

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Therefore, there are two options you can make from allowing or blocking adverts. Take the below example:

  1. You could block all of the poor performing ad categories. This causes the average CPC for your website to be $0.20. But, since the ad categories left are better performing, the CTR increases to 0.75%. For every 1,000 impressions, you make $1.50.
  2. You allow all of the ad categories in Adsense. This makes the competition for ad space more fierce increasing your CPC to $0.45. However, because you are not always showing the best ad categories in your ad units that perform the best, your CTR drops to 0.50%. For every 1,000, you now make $2.25.
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