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4 Tips to Editing Blog Posts to Publish Online

If you are reading this as a blogger, no doubt you have been in the situation where you have re-read oneRelated image of your blog posts that you have already published online and notice an amazingly large error in it. It’s annoying to say the least. However, what most bloggers do in this situation is correct the mistake and carry on life as normal. Whereas, what they should be doing is reviewing how they are editing their blog posts, before they are published. This is because from missing large errors in articles that are published suggests they may not be editing your article to the best of their understanding. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you edit your blog posts before publication so they are as good as they can be.

  1. Don’t write and edit at the same time – Some people like to edit and write at the same time as they look at it that they are saving time. However, this is not a very good idea as writing and editing at the same time will both slow down your thought process for your whole article and generally make you work less efficiently. Therefore, always try to write your whole article first, not caring about any mistakes you may have made in the article and then edit the article after.
  2. Put some time in between writing and editing – For the majority of bloggers (including myself, at times), they will write the article and straight away proof read and edit it afterwards. However, it can sometimes be much more effective to put some time in between writing and editing to give yourself a break and freshen your mind off the topic of the article. That way, when you come back to the article, you can read and edit it with more of an objective mindset – this will make your article much better to read from the perspective of web users.
  3. Spell-Checking alone is not enough for editing! – Although the majority of editing articles consists of find spelling errors in it, spell-checking is not the only thing that you can edit about an article. For example, spell check will not highlight any of the following problems that your article may have:
    1. Poor grammatical sentences which do not flow or are hard to read.
    2. Spelling mistakes which are obviously typos where the typos are a different word for which spell check is okay with. For example, if I wanted to write ‘for’ but wrote ‘fur’, spell check would not pick this up.
    3. Structuring problems, such as too many spaces in between paragraphs, wrong use of headings etc.
  4. Always preview a post before publishing – The last step to editing an article is to see what the article would look like if it was edited. This is done by previewing it and quickly scanning the article for any more mistakes that you may find. If you cannot see anything at this stage, then your article is all good to go to being published!
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