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3 Blogging Trends to Expect in 2016

Every year, the internet grows at an astonishing rate. New markets emerge, others decline. However, one thing that always stays consistent year on year is the expansion of the internet and the universe for that matter too. Not only is blogging used by people on a small scale, the largest and most successful businesses blog too. Therefore, it is important to predict what trends will occur in 2016 so as bloggers, we can prepare for another absolutely amazing year. Here are the main trends bloggers should expect to witness for 2016.


#1 Sponsored content

Yes, unfortunately it appears that this emerging market will continue to grow (as the television series South Park predicted too)! Sponsored content are articles you see below news articles which you simply cannot click away as the titles and images are too enticing to not click them. Therefore, as bloggers, you can take advantage of this and potentially have your own form of sponsored content.

As well as on news websites, they are also all over social media sites such as Facebook.

GIVEMESPORT, theLadBible and others are all examples of websites that have really taking advantage of this emerging market and have profited in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, from this too. The content is usually not the best. But, it is the enticement of the title and images used that makes sponsored content so appealing for people to click and read on.



#2 A mobile surge

In the last year or so, Google recently announced that websites without mobile themes will be ranked lower on mobile search results specifically because of that. As well as this, there is no lie in saying that the mobile industry is simply booming at the moment too. Smartphones and other portable devices with internet are becoming more and more affordable to consumers – more people have access to the internet than ever before (and this will keep increasing). Therefore, if you have not concentrated on a mobile theme yet or have just thought of blogging as just blogging and not split it into mobile blogging and normal blogging, you may want to start to do that in 2016…

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#3 Pageviews will not matter as much in blogging

Websites will still be critiqued based on their pageviews. However, the significance of pageviews will not matter as much as they did five or ten years ago. This is because there is a general move away from pageviews and onto engagement. Bloggers will care more about web users engaging with their content than cheap pageviews. Websites are getting more sophisticated with their themes and adverts are becoming more engaging. Therefore, it is not enough to simply click onto a website and that is it. There will be a push to increase the engagement of web users to make sure they perform the actions the blogger wants them to perform on their website.

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