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Selecting Your Domain Name As A Blogger


When it comes to starting up a new website, there are many things a blogger will need to do, create and know about. One of these things is selecting the domain name. Now, when it comes to selecting the domain name, you need to remember this will potentially be the domain name for the life of your website. Therefore, it should not be rushed in any way whatsoever. Taking this into considering, here are some points you should take into account when you look to select the domain name for your new website or blog



The Shorter The Better

A short domain name is much much better than a long one because:

  1. It is easier for the web user to remember which will help increase the direct traffic to your website.
  2. There is less chance of spelling errors by the web user if the domain is short.
  3. A shorter domain looks more professional since short domains are hard to come by (or very expensive to buy).

The chances are that most domain names have been taken up already. Therefore, if you want to make it short, you will either have to invent a brand or think up some unique new word that you will mould into the categories of your website.



.Com Is The Best

Although there are new endings to domains coming out every single day, the one everyone wants is .com because it is the single most popular ending to domain names that is used worldwide. So, if you do not want to limit your audience, make sure you have your domain name ending with .com.


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Including Keywords

If you are struggling to make a domain name, try making a spider diagram of your whole website to find what the main keywords are that are associated with your website. From this, you can look to including one of these keywords in the domain name. This will work wonders organically and will also entice the web user to clicking on your website more – if the domain name is linked to what the web user is search for, they are more likely to click onto your website.



Do Not Use Numbers or Hyphens

When I look at websites that have numbers and hyphens in the domain name, it screams to me ‘this website must have not got the domain name they wanted’. It does not look good and makes your website look a cheap second best to another website out there. Always make sure you only use letters in your domain name as if you look at any popular website, they will not have any numbers of hyphens in them.



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Above all, make sure you are happy with your domain name. There is nothing worst than choosing a domain name that you later on regret to have chosen and end up switching it every other month. Once you have chosen and registered your domain name, it is important to stick with it through thick and think to maintain your site’s health.

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