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3 Ways to Increase Search Engine Traffic to a Website

Organic traffic is the ultimate form of traffic source for a website. Although some people may not Image result for search engine trafficdisagree with this, at the end of the day, search engine traffic provides consistantly high levels of traffic, where the proportion of visitors is relatively high too (commonly 80%+). For this reason, it is always a good idea to try and increase the amount of search engine traffic to a website since this is generaly viewed as the most valuable form of traffic to a website. With this in mind, here are three ways you can do this.



#1 Visualise Every Blog Post

Great content will get ranked on search engines such as Google. But, what about image search engines? Image search engines are still used in their hundreds of millions and is a great way of gaining traffic from search engines alongside content search engines. Due to this, it is a great idea to try and visualise every blog post with some sort of image, so that the blog post will be indexed by Google for the content search engine and the image search engine – the image could be as simple as you like or even an infographic. Either way, you will be introducing your website to image search engines.



#2 Encourage Comments

You might be surprised at this one. But, in actual fact, blog posts and articles which have lots of comments on them actually end up having better SEO than those without them. This is because Google sees comments as a good since the web user is interacting with your content. The more content, the more web users that are interacting with your content. For this reason, always try to get your audience to engage with your articles by invoking questions and even being as ‘black and white’ as to asking them to leave a comment at the end of the blog post!


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#3 Optimise Your Blog Post’s Meta Title’s and Descriptions

Depending on what functionality you have with your website when posting content onto it, it is good practice to adopt a meta title and description which is different from the title that appears on your website (plugins on WordPress such as Yoast allow you to do this). What meta titles and descriptions do is allow you to have a different description and title for search engine results as opposed to the title for your article on your website. This allows you to make a title and description better for SEO which then clicks onto an article that is better for engagement of the web user and user experience.



#4 Use the Range of Header Tags

Header tags allow you to add headers throughout your articles that carry different levels of importance to search engines. Heading 1 (H1) will carry the greatest weighting whereas a header such as H6 will carry much less.

Using the full range of headers in your articles is great for SEO, as it makes the articles more indexable to search engines and makes it easier for search engines to understand what your content is about.

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