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3 Tips To Improve Any Blog Post

Search engine optimisation, as you have probably read more and more about on the Image result for a good blog post structureinternet, is becoming forever increasingly critical to the success rate of a blog. Everything good about a blog nowadays seems to come from SEO. However, as much as SEO can help you bring traffic to your blog, how do you keep traffic on your blogeither through reading through the whole of your content or clicking onto some more content on your blog? With this, here are three extremely implementable things you can do to improve your blog posts immediately.



#1 Make Your Title Larger and Bold

It is common knowledge on the internet that the largest font on any page is read first. Therefore, since we want the organic traffic to read out article’s title first, it makes sense to make the title large and bold too.

What is also important about this ‘common knowledge’ is that it is also dependable on the difference between the largest font and second to largest font. Therefore, even if your title is already the largest font on your website, you can still make it larger to give it even more exposure.



#2 Use Black Large Text for Content

This is an absolute must.

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From doing lots of experimenting over the years with a multitude of websites, I found that content which had black text ALWAYS performed better than any other colour for content.

The problem is that many themes, both for Blogger and WordPress, have the colour of the content set to nicely match the theme that is surrounding it. For most themes, this will result in a dark – very dark grey to appear as the colour of choice. However, by simply making one small change to the font to make it black, and you will literally see the statistics of your website change overnight.

The same goes for the size of the font for your content. Of course you do not want to make it super large. But, web users are put off by large amounts of content with small font size. If you increase the font size of your content, not only are you making it seem as if there if less content above the fold (since the content will have been pushed down with the font size increase) but the content itself will be much easier to read for the web user too, decreasing bounce rates sigificantly.



#3 Create Whitespace

Whitespace is the term given for all of the ‘white space’ that surrounds your content. Increasing the amount of whitespace tends to make blog posts perform better. You can increase the whitespace of an article through techniques such as:

  • Use bullet points and numbered lists (the indentations creates more whitespace)
  • Have spaces between paragraphs
  • Use quotes (since quotes usually have indentations too).

From having more whitespace, it spaces out the content and doesn’t make the content seem as challenging to read for the web user which will, again, decrease the bounce rate of your content.

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