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Tesla is hiring an Energy Customer Support Specialist to serve as a social media “bouncer” for CEO Elon Musk. Photo by Collin Armstrong on Unsplash


Wow! Who would brave having a go in one of these?


To show off the new Mustang Mach-E, Ford has created an augmented reality experience that users can try from the comfort of their own...


When police in Alberta eventually got to look inside, they saw two occupants fast asleep, with the seats fully reclined.


Now we can all be online while we drive. Thanks to the Huawei CarFi. The Huawei CarFi is like having your own personal WiFi...

Are You Kidding

Monitoring your car’s performance can be tricky. It’s always a pain to monitor the mileage, to change the engine oil and keep tabs on...


Using water to do stuff is cool. Our post on the water fueled torch created quite the discussion. But how about a water fueled...


Pretty much the most awesomest t-shirt tag ever. Yes, I love Top Gear, but don’t actually have this tee. Although the tag alone is...

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