► Den ausführlichen Testbericht findet Ihr hier: Der neue Kumpan 54 inspire wird rein in Deutschland gefertigt und hat einen riesigen Vorteil: die Akkus...
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discusses reimagining our world together at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Audio described version: Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us on...
Gavriella Schuster discusses partnership through a pandemic in her opening remarks at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us on social:...
Microsoft president Brad Smith takes the virtual stage to discuss Microsoft’s role in the world at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube...
Gavriella Schuster and Satya Nadella discuss the current digital and technological landscape at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us on...
Gavriella Schuster closes out day 1 of Microsoft Inspire 2020 with inspiring partner stories. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us on social: LinkedIn:...
Gavriella Schuster announces nominees and winners of the Partner of the Year Awards at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us...
Nick Parker takes the virtual stage to discuss delivering innovation and scale with partners at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here:...
Nick Parker takes the virtual stage to discuss partnering for growth at Microsoft Inspire 2020. Subscribe to Microsoft on YouTube here: us on social:...