Siemens and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) are jointly offering a on-the-job #Master of Business Administration in “#Sustainability Management” starting in October 2023. The MBA “Sustainability...
Selematic, an Italian packaging machines producer with more than 40 years of experience uses Siemens Digital Drive Train solutions for predictive maintenance and remote...
SmartService enables predictive maintenance, material and resource planning as well as focused execution of maintenance activities in an optimized manner. The basis for predictive...
The industrial world is facing urgent, rapidly changing challenges. The world’s resources are finite, and we all need to make more with less. Digitalization...
We take interested parties on a vivid, compact, entertaining and exciting journey through Siemens’ comprehensive aerospace portfolio. From design software, manufacturing automation and management...
Modern transportation systems move the economy. Reliable and future-ready network solutions are critical for monitoring and managing increasingly complex transportation infrastructures to maximize efficiency...
Steigerung der Bedieneffizienz und Sicherheit einer Produktionsanlage oder –Linie durch Training anhand eines Virtuellen Modells. Zusätzlich der Ausblicke wie Bedienung in Zukunft durch virtuelle...
Increasing the operating efficiency and safety of a production plant or line through training using a virtual model. In addition, the outlook on how...