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Discover How to Graphically Panelize PCBs Using Hm-panelizer

When dealing with PCBs and creating individual units for manufacturing in Chinese fabs, the process of transitioning from layout to Gerber files that are ready for production is simplified to just a few clicks, irrespective of your preferred PCB layout tool. However, when you start working on assembling sets of PCBs that make up a larger system or producing multiple copies for efficient manufacturing, understanding PCB panelization becomes crucial. Over the years, various panelization options have emerged, and here’s another noteworthy one – hm-panelizer by [halfmarble]. It is a cross-platform Python GUI application built on Kivy, making it compatible with most major platforms with ease.

Currently, the tool is in its early stages of development and can only handle PCBs with straight edges and horizontal mouse-bites. However, with time and support, it is expected to evolve into a more versatile tool with broader functionality.

Although it would be ideal for open-source tools like KiCAD to have a built-in panelizer, for now, hm-panelizer stands as a viable option for certain users. To explore more panelizing alternatives, refer to our comprehensive guide for simplifying the process. Just to keep things interesting, here’s another approach to achieving this task.

Image Source: Hackaday

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