Manufacturing in space poses considerable challenges, despite many of the techniques resembling those utilized on Earth. Methods such as riveting, bolting, and welding are...
On my workbench sits a Mitutoyo vernier caliper, an entry-level model showcasing a classic vernier scale, built with exceptional care. It’s gratifying to observe...
Almost a decade has elapsed since Amazon initiated its delivery drone program, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience through rapid item transport. Recently,...
When a prominent company like Apple decides to enter a market to avoid exploitation, it highlights significant problems within that market. The recent FDA...
Back when it first happened, we covered the Oroville Dam near-disaster. Heavier-than-expected rainfall in California back in early 2017 led to running the dam’s...
[Mansour Behabadi] wanted to harness the high power capability of USB-C using as simple a hardware design as possible. After some research and experimental...
Car manufacturers will often tout a vehicle’s features to appeal to the market, and this often leads to advertisements featuring a cacophony of acronyms...
Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly popular. However, such energy can be wasted if an excess is available when it’s not yet needed. A...
Pulsejets are a popular DIY build for the keen experimenter, much loved for their mechanical simplicity and powerful roar. However, it can be difficult...