Computer TutorialsExtract registration key from Windows XPWith Windows 98 and the other older versions it was easy enough to extract the installation key from the registry, but it is encrypted...Mo UmarNovember 24, 2005
Computer TutorialsOutlook Express Not Displaying Images in BodyOne of the more annoying is the fact that Outlook Express stops allowing you to open pretty much any attachment, and another is that...Mo UmarMarch 5, 2005
Computer TutorialsRemove Windows MessengerLuckily, you can remove Windows Messenger. Simply click Start->Run and type:Mo UmarDecember 6, 2004
Computer TutorialsHow to Read HijackThis LogOne of the questions that I answer the most on the forums that I visit is how to read HijackThis log. It is actually...Mo UmarDecember 5, 2004
Computer TutorialsEssential Windows ProcessesIn the battle against spyware and viruses, it is often necessary to close down programs that are running using the task manager. It’s hard...Mo UmarDecember 4, 2004
Computer TutorialsSession State is CorruptedGetting the Session state is corrupted error? The fix is likely far, far simpler than you think. 9 times out of 10 all that...Mo UmarDecember 2, 2004
Computer TutorialsnForce Chipset Ethernet Card Won’t WorkEvidently you the nForce installer forces the nVidia firewall to be installed whether or not you want it to be, so be sure to...Mo UmarDecember 2, 2004
Computer TutorialsIntegrating Service Packs into a Windows CDFor those of you, like me, that format often, this information should come in quite handy. Integrating service packs into a Windows CD is...Mo UmarOctober 4, 2004
Computer TutorialsMSASN1.DLL Error code 0x00000485And people wonder why I hate MSN… If you’re getting the error message: We were unable to load a required library msnmetal.dll. Error code:...Mo UmarOctober 4, 2004