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3 Blogging Techniques to Improve Post SEO

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It is definitely beneficial to use plugins for WordPress, such as Yoast, to help improve the search engine Image result for seooptimization (SEO) of a post. However, good SEO should come naturally – I guess the best way to phrase it is that you cannot polish a turd. You cannot give bad content good SEO. To have good SEO, you first need good quality content above anything else.

Taking this into consideration, here are some techniques you can look to adopt into your articles online to help improve the SEO of them.



Internally link 2+ Times

Internal links are vital to good SEO, since it produces a ‘spider web’ of links for which Google and other search engines can easily find your content and the content you linked to easily. The more complex the web, the better the SEO of your website and content.

On top of this, internal linking can help reduce your bounce rate by getting web users to click onto more pages on your website. This, in turns, also helps your SEO since the less people that click back to Google search engines, the better the ranking your content will get.



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1,000+ Words Works Best

In general, the longer the content, the better the SEO. This is because the longer the content, the more content there is for Google to process and decipher what your content is about. This means the contextuality of your content to search phrases from web user increases, improving the ranking of your content.

Longer content also tends to go into more detail, which helps the web user too, since it improves the chances of the web user finding something that they did not know before or something they find useful to read.



Adopt a Sensible Structure

The structure you adopt for a blog post is crucial to the SEO of the post. If you write your posts using the standard font ‘paragraph’, then you will have a limited amount of SEO.

The best content tends to have a structure that follows something along the lines of:


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Opening introduction paragraph, which is full of keywords and introduces the article briefly.


Heading 1 – this is the largest heading you can use to add importance to such text

Heading 2 – if you need another title below the first, then Heading 2 is what you use

Use bullet points when you:

  • Need to list things
  • Make many points
  • Lay out content clear concise

Repeat such a structure of headings and content until the last paragraph, which should be similar to the opening paragraph and used to conclude the whole article, potentially providing food for thought for web users to converse in the comment section or share the article.


Headings carry SEO weight to them, so are important to identifying the ranking of an article. This tends to be why headings are usually keyword dense in articles.

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