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How to Overcome Blogger’s Block

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For writers, and pretty much anyone for that matter, writers block is a common term that refers to whenImage result for bloggers block a writer cannot produce any new work or write anything new, due to having no new thoughts to write down. With this, it shouldn’t take anyone too long to know what ‘blogger’s block’ is. Depending on how much content you have to or want to produce per week will vary how often you may find yourself with blogger’s block, staring at a screen waiting for the next genius idea for an article. The problem with blogger’s block is that it is the most inefficient use of time. Therefore, there is a strong need to get rid of it for as many bloggers as possible. With this in mind, here are some ways you can overcome the blogger’s block in yourself.


#1 Note Down Any New Ideas on Your Smartphone’s Notepad

The main reason why people get bloggers block, from experiencing it and talking to others who had had it, is that they expect ideas to flood their mind as soon as they sit down and prepare themselves to write an article. However, great article ideas do not come easy – they could come at any point of the day. For example, you may not believe me but one of my best article ideas for one of my websites came during a dream!

For this reason, it is vital to making sure you don’t get blogger’s block to write down any article ideas you have as soon as they crop up into your mind. When it comes to writing your article, you can then look back at your notes and pick one of your ideas to write about, without hesitation.



#2 Look Back at Your Previous Content

Let’s say you do point one. However, what if all your ideas are looking at areas that are not the best related to the content on your website? This is why it is important to, every now and then, look at back a few tens of articles on your website so you can familiarise yourself with what you have previously published. From doing this, you can also increase the possibility of a new article idea bursting into your head. For example, when I did this technique, I saw I made an article to explain the bounce rate statistic through Google Analytics and realised I could do a whole series of articles looking at explaining every statistic in Google Analytics with ways to improve it for your website.


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#3 See What Others Are Writing About Online

By this, I do not mean for you to see what your competitors are writing about and copy the content, rewording it for your website. See what your competitors are writing about and stay up to date with news in general. By staying up to date online, you can make sure you are up to date in the area your website focuses on, which if there is new news in that area, you can blog about it putting your twist on the news. This works especially well for news websites.

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