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How to Make The Perfect Twitter Bio


Making sure your blog is linked to social media accounts is a must for any blogger no matter what their website is about. This is because it enables your traffic to link to you through other means than your website so they can stay up to date with it in an easier way than bookmarking your website and visiting it everyday. As well as this, social media platforms are a great way to find new people who have not viewed your website to get them to view it. So as well as helping out current visitors, it attracts new visitors too.

For Twitter, you need to make sure your Twitter account is up to scratch in the sense that it has everything in tip-top shape to get people to follow you, retweet you and interact with you. To achieve this, you will need to do many things: one of these is to have the perfect Twitter bio. For this reason, here are a few tips to creating the perfect Twitter bio.



#1 Use ‘Proper’ English Grammar

There is nothing worst than reading a disjointed bio that does not make sense and is packed way too much with information (there is a character limit for a reason in the bio too)! The best bios are the ones that have enough information for Twitter users to get an idea about the account and use the correct English grammar. By this, I mean capitals at the start of sentences, sentences for that matter and correct punctuation. Two or three sentences seems to do just about right for a bio.



#2 Make Yourself Human

You really do not want to sound like a robot in your Twitter bio because, if you do, it will turn many people straight off from following you (as they will think the whole account is potentially automated and will be like spam to the timeline). For this reason, make sure you sound human by including something only humans can do such as a saying, a joke, sarcasm etc.

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#3 Include a Link

As already mentioned, it is impossible to fully describe any account on Twitter in the amount of characters Twitter allocates for the bio. For this reason, it is good to link to your website/blog in the bio (or using the website link) so that if Twitter users want to find out more information about you and your website, they can do so by clicking onto the link (which can take them to an about page with more information about you and your website).



#4 Don’t Mix Languages

If you only speak English, then do not worry about this. For people that can speak more than two languages, always make sure you stick to using one language in the bio. Yes, I understand your followers may be split 50/50 between the languages. However, at the end of the day, if you include both languages in the bio, Only 50% of your bio is readable to people who only know one language which means you are wasting 50% of the characters just translating your bio. With this, do remember the character limit for bios is pretty short…

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