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Here’s 3 Top Blogging Tips For Beginners


It can be quite daunting as a new blogger to create and start up a website. It takes time to get good organic health and articles that are well SEOed. It will be hard but not impossible. When it comes to starting up in blogging, you can either learn from the numerous amounts of mistakes you will make or try to take some advice from the internet from articles like this one. Therefore, without further ado, here are three of the top tips bloggers can use to help them improve their blogging career.



Answer Your Audience’s Questions

At first, it is natural to create articles in order to get an audience to begin within. Once you have got that audience to publish articles to, it is a good idea to keep doing what you are doing (since if you have an audience, it is obvious that people like reading about what you are saying). However, to do really well in blogging, analyse what people from Google and other search engines are searching for before they enter onto your website. You will find what they are searching for usually relates to the article they clicked on. But, there is some traffic that will have searched for something similar but not the same to the article they clicked onto for your website. This is the type of traffic that will have a high bounce rate since the article does not help them. For this reason, try looking at this traffic and create posts to satisfy the needs of the web users who searched for articles that are not yet on your website.



Consistency/Frequency is Key

In order to gather enough momentum to build an audience, you will need to post online consistently. This enables your audience to anticipate when your next post is going to be, making them come back to your website on certain days to read it (or to stay up to date if they know the website will be updated frequently). Take YouTube for example. A YouTube channel that posts videos frequently and consistently will natural increase its follower count more than a channel that posts videos randomly throughout.


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It’s Your Knowledge/Opinion People Want

It is completely fine to make articles about facts and statistics and so on. However, these tend to be time based and their traffic will naturally fade out over time. Articles that state your opinion and share with the world your knowledge will always do best. This is because you are adding something unique to the internet that nobody has ever posted before. Therefore, do not be afraid to share your knowledge of what you know to the world. You may feel stupid for making an article on a certain subject. But, the truth could be that many people would visit your website to read that article to gain knowledge on that subject.

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