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5 Effective Blogging Tips for 2018

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After blogging for several years, I feel I have enough experience to pass on some wisdom to the restImage result for blogging 2018 of the community. I have had some brilliant start-up websites that have blossomed into something amazing. At the same time, I have had a few websites that have completely failed and have had to bail out of altogether.

As a keen SEO expert, I like to keep up to date with all things SEO, especially since a lot of my websites that are very successful rely on extremely good SEO. With this in mind, here are some blogging tips to take with you into the rest of 2018 to make your website’s organic presence larger.



Always Add Meta Descriptions

There is sometimes the tendency that if you gain, for example, a ‘green’ SEO light from a WordPress SEO plugin like Yoast, there is no need to further improve your post for SEO reasons – wrong! Just because your post got a ‘green’ light does not mean it is perfect by any means.

An area that makes a big difference for which people leave if they get a ‘green’ light for SEO is the description, since it is usually one of the last changes made, in terms of SEO to an article.

Regardless of what lighting system you receive for your post, always make sure your meta description is changed, so that it best reflects your article’s content, whilst luring the web user into clicking to find out more.


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Check Your URL Generated

The vast majority of bloggers, when creating a blog post, let the software/platform they use to auto-generate a URL that fits with your title. The problem is that this does not always bring with it the best SEO:

  • Blogger likes to leave out connecting words such as ‘a’ and ‘the’ from the title into the URL. This can make a URL not make sense.
  • On the other hand, WordPress leaves everything in, which can make the slug of your post too long – a long slug impacts SEO negatively.


Proofread when Blogging

I cannot stress just how important it is for you to proofread your own work before publication. If you decide to not proofread, you are at risk of there being typos and sentences that do not make sense. Google can pick up on typos and web users will click away from articles with lots of mistakes, reducing the SEO of the post further.



Don’t Force Keywords

If you are making a relevant and good post, then the keywords should flow naturally into your sentences. There is a tendency to force a lot of keywords into the first paragraph for SEO reasons. However, too many keywords can work against you, so it is simply better to let the keywords flow naturally throughout your content, without using any force to get them into sentences.

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