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3 Things To Do Before Making a Blogging Career

Image result for blogging desk

Starting a career in blogging, for a lot of people, is the dream job. They can choose the hours they work, Image result for blogging deskwhich makes work completely flexible with their life. As well as this, people can talk and write about what really matters to them, which, for a lot of jobs, is definately not the case. No more bosses. No more rubbish meetings at the end of the calander month: just you, your blog, your thoughts and the world to read it.

However, although anyone could quit their job and head into the blogosphere head first, it is not the wisest thing to do. Instead, if you really want to start a career in blogging, you should prepare yourself for it. Below are some tips that you could do before starting a blogging career, talking from experience.



#1 Buy an Ultrabook

Blogging, as you are aware of, spends a lot of hours a week sitting infront of a screen. This is unavoidable. Therefore, to make sure you are working as efficiently and productively as possible, it is a good idea to buy an Ultrabook for the following reasons:

  • Ultrabooks are extremely quick. Therefore, there will be no lag or problems associated to speed, so you can blog fluently without problems.
  • Ultrabooks are portable, which means you can more easily blog at different locations other than your desk.
  • Ultrabooks tend to have great battery life, which means you can be away from your desk blogging for hours on end, if you wanted to.
  • Ultrabooks have very high resolution screens, ranging from 1080p all the way up to 4k. If you are going to spend a lot of time infront of a screen, you will want to make sure it is infront of a nice screen at that.


#2 Personal Hotspot

Depending on your circumstance, you might find it useful to buy a personal hotspot, either as a standalone device, using your smartphone or laptop so that you have internet connectivity on the go. The great part to blogging is that it can be done anywhere there is internet. For this reason, you could literally do your blogging job in a small desk with no windows or a lovely coffee shop sipping on your favourite drink. For that matter, you could do it on a beach in the Bahamas if you had a personal hotspot!

You might think that you will do all your blogging at your desk. But, there will be some days when you just want to get out of your office, maybe for being in their too long or for the weather being too nice outside. With personal hotspots, you can continue blogging this way.


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#3 A Keyboard and Mouse

Although Ultrabooks tend to have very nice keyboards with minimal travel and a large touch pad, nothing beats a mechanical keyboard and mouse. With this in mind, I tend to find my productivity and speed at which I can type increases with a full size keyboard as opposed to my Ultrabook’s keyboard. With a wireless keyboard and mouse sets being as cheap as $15, it is definately worth investing in.

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