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3 Elements to Successful Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to make money online alongside a successful Image result for email marketingwebsite. It allows you to send personalised emails to a very specific contextualised audience which can only work in your favour to promoting material you know they would be very likely to be interested in.

However, conducting good email marketing can sometimes be quite a tricky task. This is because there are many variables that will affect how good an email marketing strategy is. For this reason, here are three elements you can look to include in your future email marketing strategy to make it more successful.


#1 Email at the Right Time

The time at which you send the email to your audience is utterly critical to the performance of that email. If you send it at the wrong time, you will likely find that people won’t open it, let alone read it. For this reason, try to make sure your email is sent at the optimal time, which tends to be the early afternoon (1-3pm).

With this, you will also have to take into consideration if you have a segratation in your audience that live in different time zones. Email marketing tools such as MailChimp allow you to split up your email marketing list to accomodate different time zones. This effectively means that no matter where your audience is in the world, they will get the email from you at 1-3pm local time.



#2 Your Subject Line is Critical

The first place people look at with emails, even before they are opened, is the subject line. Having an enticing subject can literally make a whole world of difference to the performance of an email. With this, there are two general strategies you can go for:

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  1. Change your subject line with every email, to stay fresh and up to date with different content
  2. Keep it the same so that the email becomes a reliable source for the same updated information every time a new email is sent. This works for weekly updates on, say, shares, currency markets and more.

If you do decide to go for option 1, it would be a wise choice to do some A/B testing on your subject lines, to see what works best or not. Does a rhetorical question work better than a call to action or does something totally differnet work better? These questions are all answerable by splitting your audience with A/B (and even C) testing.



#3 Optimise for all Devices

It is true to say that long are the days gone where everyone checks their emails on a laptop or computer. You will find now that a lot of people get email updates on their smarpthones. With this in mind, it is especially important to make sure the content of your email is optimised for smarpthone and mobile devices as well as computers.

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