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2 Ways To Attract a Blog Audience


For most bloggers out there, the main satisfaction they will get from blogging is knowing there are a dedicated audience that are following their blog to keep up to date with what they are blogging about – it is almost like a fan club. However, how do you get an audience to blog to? Here are five ways you can make sure you attract web users to follow you and your blogs online.



#1 Understand your niche

The first step to gaining an audience online is to make sure you know what you are talking about in the first place. There is no worst feeling than reading an article about a topic you are interested in to half way through the article realize that the author doesn’t actually have that much knowledge on the topic to write about it online. As well as this, it is annoying to read false articles online as you know others will read it and take it for true (there is a stereotype that the information on the internet is always true).

For this reason, before you even start writing about a topic, make sure you are actually giving something back in your article. By this, most blog articles are about trading knowledge. If you have no knowledge to trade, then there isn’t much reason for writing a blog post. At the end of the day, the web user needs to gain something from your blog for them to deem it useful.



#2 Communicate with your audience

If you have knowledge to share, write it down in a blog post! There is a chance that the bit of knowledge you hold is nowhere on the internet yet. Therefore, it could prove to bring in lots of traffic! Is it going to get you a blog audience? Well, it really does depend how you communicate with your audience.

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People hate talking to robots. This is why most bloggers try to write in a sort of converse format so that it makes the web user feel more like they are in the middle of a conversion rather than staring at a LCD screen like a dead salmon!

Always make sure to try every attempt to communicate with your audience whenever they want to communicate with you. This usually involves:

  • Having social media accounts and keeping them up to date
  • Checking the comments on your websites/blogs everyday and replying accordingly.
  • Replying to emails sent via contact forms once a day.
  • Generally be nice to your audience!

Although these might seem small things to do. But, over time, they will add up to make a big difference in helping you generate a blogging audience to promote your content to. Why should you even attempt to get an audience for a blog? Let’s just say a one off visit is never going to be as valuable to you as a visit from a loyal visitor once a week for the next 5 years…

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