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2 Email Marketing Tips For Bloggers

For bloggers, the majority of their efforts will be put into making high quality content that is SEO ready so that it brings in lots of organic traffic in to generate revenue from. As much as this is a good road to go down as a blogger, it is not the only road you have to go down. For one, it is great making content and piling up the content to have it indexed for search engines. But, how well can you connect with an audience, if at all the same one too? This is where email marketing comes into play. Email marketing is a great tool to bring in an audience to listen to you, take in your new content and promote and advertise to. For this reason, here are two tips you can take into consideration if you are looking to undertake marketing through email.



#1 Limit Your Emails

Many email marketers think it is necessary to email once a day, or even once every other day. However, you need to remember that people online have a very short attention span. Therefore, sending more than one email daily or every other day might be enough to entice web users to unsubscribe from your mailing list. For this reason, it is important to limit the amount of contact you have with your audience, so that you get into the habit of only emailing your audience when you really have something important to tell them. From doing this will help your audience to gain a trust with you as a personality online and with your emails.



#2 Add a Personal Touch

There is nothing worst than reading content for which sounds like a robot wrote it. If I ever read an email like this, I either unsubscribe, ignore the email or delete the email without even reading it.

With this in mind, it is extremely important to add a personal touch to all of your emails you are planning to market to your audience. You can do this through a number of ways:

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  • Type fast – The faster I tend to type when writing emails, the more enthusiastic and more personality comes across in my emails. It will cause more typos to pop up through the email. However, this can obviously be fixed with a quick proof read over the email (which you should be doing regardless of your typing speed)!
  • Talk in first person – In some emails, I can tell they are trying to add a personal touch. However, it simply does not come across well simply because the content is typed in third person. If you truly want to make your audience feel as if they are talking to someone instead of reading text on a screen, always make sure you talk in first person using ‘I’, ‘you’, me’ and so on.
  • Give a opinion – Obviously this doesn’t mean to come across with controversial opinions. However, you can have a bit of ‘tongue and cheek’ and convey lightly some opinions to give yourself that natural touch. An example of this would be for you to criticise an overly long email of yours (as compared to previously emails).
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